Ecosystem Information

Read total value locked across Hot Cross products


Query Parameters




Available values : all, cross-bridge, cross-pool

  "bridgeTvl": 41920013.3568667,
  "poolTvl": 12956208.992478373,
  "yieldTvl": 5378040.4249534095,
  "total": 60254262.77429848


  • bridgeTvl - number: total value locked of all bridges.

  • poolTvl - number: total value locked of Cross Pool.

  • yieldTvl - number: total value locked of Cross Yield.

  • total - number: total value locked of all Hot Cross products.

Postman example

Getting the list of all V2 pools


Query Parameters




The chain id of the blockchain you want to read the pools from

Ethereum: 1

BNB Smart Chain: 56

Avalanche C-Chain: 43114

        "version": 2,
        "address": "0x15AEF019093b924C716846C8d3Bc8BCF1d019317",
        "name": "HOTDOG+HOTCROSS",
        "decimals": 18,
        "priority": 2000,
        "keywords": [
        "completedAPR": {
            "0": "0",
            "1": "0"
        "subtitle": "Hot Cross is an extensive multi-chain and cross-chain tool suite.",
        "description": "Hot Cross is an extensive multi-chain and cross-chain tool suite that enables blockchain teams and their communities to thrive. At its core, Hot Cross aims to be the best toolbox for ETH and EVM networks.",
        "images": [
        "links": {
            "website": {
                "label": "Website",
                "url": ""
            "twitter": {
                "label": "Twitter",
                "url": ""
            "telegram": {
                "label": "Telegram",
                "url": ""
            "pancakeSwap": {
                "label": "PancakeSwap",
                "url": ""
        "chaindata": {
            "startBlock": "16135015",
            "endBlock": "16538214",
            "claimDelay": "16137895",
            "unstakeDelayDuration": "201600",
            "totalAllocationPoints": "1000",
            "farmingPeriod": 14,
            "rewardTokens": [
            "rewardDecimals": [
            "rewardsPerBlock": [
            "totalReward": [
            "rewardProcessor": "0x2c14fb0a90e2C27f4104a493A29B8b1638C7997F",
            "rewardVault": "0x6Ff9718c035821E0FDF67cfEAf15A23Ed7bA94Be",
            "stakingPools": [
                    "stakingToken": "0xd6aB096eCE76789620A6aCdC34f8dADD04627DC5",
                    "allocationPoints": 750,
                    "pid": 0,
                    "swapPath": [],
                    "decimals": "18",
                    "depositCap": "100000000000000000000000",
                    "capValidUntilBlock": "16192615",
                    "totalStaked": "4410340867165522000000000",
                    "participants": "733",
                    "apr": 245.38834891096485
                    "stakingToken": "0x4FA7163E153419E0E1064e418dd7A99314Ed27b6",
                    "allocationPoints": 250,
                    "pid": 1,
                    "swapPath": [],
                    "decimals": "18",
                    "depositCap": "100000000000000000000000",
                    "capValidUntilBlock": "16192615",
                    "totalStaked": "8318431146344565000000000",
                    "participants": "609",
                    "apr": 47.32864094903803
            "compoundEnabled": false,
            "latestUnstakeDelayBlock": "16480614",
            "fees": {
                "feeManager": "0x99Dd53DCb232BB5BF507eBF728b6E1b168B0556F",
                "protocolFee": 2,
                "withdrawPenaltyFee": 500,
                "withdrawPenaltyBlock": 16423015
            "currentBlock": 16298136,
            "minimumAllocationPoint": 250,
            "timeLock": "16137895"
        "startBlockDuration": 489363000,
        "endBlockDuration": 720234000,
        "timeLockDuration": 0


an array of the RewardPool, each RewardPool object will be structured as below:

  • version - number: API version

  • address - string: the smart contract address of the reward pool

  • name - string: the reward pool name

  • decimals: number: the decimal points of the reward token

  • subtitle: string: the subtitle of the reward pool

  • keywords: array: a list of keywords to search

  • completedAPR:

    • "0": string: the last APR value of the first pool

    • "1": string: the last APR of the second pool

  • description: string: the description of the project

  • image: string: the image URL for the reward token

  • links:

    • website:

      • label - string: the name of the link

      • url - string: the url of the social media account

    • twitter:

      • label - string: the name of the link

      • url - string: the url of the social media account

    • telegram:

      • label - string: the name of the link

      • url - string: the url of the social media account

  • chaindata:

    • rewardPerBlock - [string]: the amount of reward tokens available for reward per block for each reward token

    • startBlock - string: the block that the reward pool starts distributing rewards

    • endBlock - string: the block that the reward pool stops distributing rewards

    • claimDelay - string: the block that the reward pool starts allowing users to claim their rewards

    • unstakeDelayDuration - string: the number of blocks after each stake that the stake tokens are locked

    • totalAllocationPoints - string: the total number of allocation points in the RewardPool

    • rewardVault - string: the address of the contract that keeps the reward tokens.

    • rewardToken - [string]: the reward token addresses

    • farmingPeriod - string: the number of days that the reward pool will be active for

    • totalReward - [string]: the total amount of reward tokens that will be distributed to users

    • stakingPools - array: information about each staking pool

      • stakingToken - string: the smart contract address of the staking token

      • allocationPoints - string: the allocation points assigned to this staking pool

      • pid - number: the monotonic id of the staking pool

      • swapPath - array: swap path for compound pool

      • decimals - string: the decimals of the staking token

      • depositCap - string: the max value user is allowed to deposit in the pool

      • capValidUntilBlock - string: the block after the deposit cap is no longer valid

      • totalStaked - string: the total tokens (in wei) staked into the pool

      • participants - string: the total number of users that have staked tokens into the pool

      • apr - number: the annual percentage rate

    • compoundEnabled - boolean: a flag that indicates with the pools support compounding rewards

    • latestUnstakeDelayBlock - string: the block after the unstake delay is no longer valid

    • fees:

      • feeManager - string: the address of the contract that keeps the fees.

      • protocolFee - number: the number of protocol fee

      • withdrawPenaltyFee - number: the number of withdraw penalty fee

      • withdrawPenaltyBlock - number: the block that the penalty withdraw fee will be applied

    • minimumAllocationPoint - number:

    • timeLock - string: the block that user is allowed to unstake

  • startBlockDuration - number: the duration until the startBlock is reached

  • endBlockDuration - number: the duration until the endBlock is reached

  • timeLockDuration - number:

Postman example

Getting the list of all bridges


    "stakingToken": "string",
    "allocationPoints": "string",
    "pid": 0,
    "totalStaked": "string",
    "stakeTokenDecimals": 0,
    "apr": 0,
    "participants": "string"


an array of the bridge model

  • ticker - string: the token ticker

  • symbol - string: the token symbol

  • name - string: the token name

  • ethBridgeAddress - string: the bridge contract address on Ethereum

  • bscBridgeAddress - string: the bridge contract address on BNB smart chain

  • erc20 - string: the token address on Ethereum

  • bep20 - string: the token address on BNB smart chain

  • decimals - number: the token decimals

Postman example

Last updated