Hot Cross User Dashboard
Use HOTCROSS and HOTDOG to view your ecosystem activity across all Hot Cross products. Multi-Chain Web3 data never looked so great.
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Use HOTCROSS and HOTDOG to view your ecosystem activity across all Hot Cross products. Multi-Chain Web3 data never looked so great.
Last updated
In order to view Hot Cross User Dashboard, you will need to hold 25$
in HOTCROSS, HOTDOG, or a combination of both.
HOTDOG has 2x value power. What is HOTDOG?
If your holding is not met, you will see the below page after connecting the wallet to Hot Cross User Dashboard.
To increase your holding, you can buy HOTCROSS on PancakeSwap or ApeSwap as well as centralized exchanges such as Kucoin, Huobi Global, or
Or swapping HOTCROSS to HOTDOG on
Open Hot Cross User Dashboard, click Connect Wallet and select your favorite wallets.
After the wallet is connected, a wallet signature request is needed as a final step to access Hot Cross User Dashboard. Click the Sign Message button to proceed.
Confirm the signing transaction on your wallet.
On the top of the Hot Cross User Dashboard, there are many boxes that will display pieces of information associated with your wallet address.
HOTCROSS price: the current market price of HOTCROSS token in $ value.
HOTDOG price: the price of HOTDOG token in $ value.
HOTDOG backed by HOTCROSS, HOTDOG price = HOTCROSS price / 0.83
Unclaimed Rewards: the number of the pools which has rewards to claim.
HOTCROSS Balance: wallet's HOTCROSS token balance.
HOTDOG Balance: wallet's HOTDOG token balance.
Cross Bossed Owned: the number of Cross Bosses you owned.
HOTCROSS Staked: the total amount of HOTCROSS staked across pools on Cross Pool.
HOTDOG Staked: the total amount of HOTDOG staked across pools on Cross Pool.
Number of Stakes: the number of times you have staked on Cross Pool.
Cross Pool Rewards: the total amount of rewards you have gotten so far with Cross Pool, both claimed and unclaimed rewards.
Cross Yield Rewards: the total amount of yield you have gotten so far with Cross Yield.
NFT Staking Rewards: the total amount of rewards you have gotten so far with NFT Staking, both claimed and unclaimed rewards.
Number of IHO Sessions: the number of IHO sessions you have participated in.
KYC Status: the KYC status of the connected wallet.
Dashboard data refreshes every 10 minutes.
The Cross Pool section will display all your pools that either has staked tokens or unclaimed rewards.
The pools will be sorted by staked value, high to low.
Let's dive into the information on the individual pool.
Pool status: Staking in progress or Completed.
Staked: the amount of staked tokens.
Unclaimed Rewards: the amount of unclaimed reward tokens.
Claimed Rewards: the amount of reward tokens already claimed.
Pool Share: the percent of how many percent your share is in the pool.
APR: the current annual percentage rate, more detail on How to Calculate APR on Cross Pool.
If you want to claim rewards, click on the Claim Rewards button and then confirm the transaction.
To check more information about the pool, click on View Pool to open the pool detail on Cross Pool.
The Cross Yield section will display all vaults that you have deposited tokens on Cross Yield.
The vaults will be sorted by deposited value, high to low.
Let's take a look at a detailed vault.
Current Deposit: the current amount of LP tokens that include the original deposit and yield
Yield: the amount of LP tokens that are being compounded from dex reward tokens.
Pool Share: the percent of how many percent your share is in the vault.
Real 30-Day APY: annual percentage yield, more detail on How to Calculate Real 30-Day APY on Cross Yield.
On the top of the vault, you can see the breakdown token amounts of your LP as well as the value in $.
To view the vault detail on Cross Yield, click View Vault.
The Cross Yield section will display all pools that you have deposited NFTs on NFT Staking.
Staked: the amount of staked NFTs.
Unclaimed Rewards: the amount of unclaimed reward tokens.
Claimed Rewards: the amount of reward tokens already claimed.
To check more information about the pool, click on View Pool to open the pool detail on NFT Staking.
If you have any feedback or issue with Hot Cross User Dashboard, please email and share your new suggestions on our feedback portal.